Apr 22, 2011

My Fav Song

Now some of you know how much I love Rihanna. Some of you know that on my iTunes the song Only Girl In The World has over 100 plays. I love that song. I don't know why but I do. I found my fav arrangement of this song. Here it is:

here is the real one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CH3jb39Qu8&feature=related

maybe its because its about staying with one chick?!?!?!? =D I know its not the BEST song but I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!

oh and btw grandma your first grandchild is a driver =P

Apr 16, 2011

Pride and Prejudice.........................and Zombies?!?!?

So I have heard about books like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 1,2 and 3, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Jane Slayer, Abe Lincoln Vampire Slayer. Well I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and loved it. I have seen the 8 hour movie so that makes me the specialist on this subject. the story is very different but you still see the pride and prejudice factors and there's lots of zombies but its unlady like to say zombies so you say unmentionables. I really liked them and would tell others to read them.

Mar 8, 2011

My First High School Play Part 2

So if you read wayyyyyyyyy down on my blog you heard that I was in a play. Now some of you even CAME to the play and from what I heard backstage you had a good time (love you gpa and aunt holly.) Now for the most anticipated thing since GLEE......................THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the "house"

Yes that's me and yes I am bald =D

This was my time to shine! Yes that is a toga and yes that's me. In the play 8 years ago penny did a painting of "me" as the discus thrower. Now here is the painting ( i had the cast sign it)

The play was sooooooo much fun and I can't wait to do it next year!!!!

Feb 8, 2011

The best song ever

Now as some of you know there is this website called youtube where kids post vids of them selves. Now most of them are junk but some can be so bad you like it ( like justen bieber =P) Well this is the best one of them all. I have no clue who he is but my sister Hannah know all the words to this.

( I love the guy in the background LOLZ )

If you are done and want more here is the link to my sisters blog with vids of us sledding =D

Jan 24, 2011

My First High School Play

So as most of you know I got in my first high school play. The play is You Can't Take It With You and I am playing Mr De Pinna

Here is part of the play. I am the guy that lights the firework. ( This is NOT the play that I am in) The play I am in is in march


Jan 17, 2011


So I am not going to be home schooled any more I am going to Rock Bridge High School. Saddness =(::::: I am in the play there anyway so it all works out but just letting you know I will not be posting very often anymore.