Sep 8, 2010


I do not have a book done yet...........but I am working on one!

Well yesterday was very important and I bet you can not guess why!

It was my blogs 1 month anniversary! =O ( I know its sad how I know that = ) and do not feel bad for not knowing it because I forgot to............ I was looking at my first post and saw the date ( by the way gpa its 9/8/10 =) and saw yesterdays date and so I made a shout out for my blog

Well tonight I am going to do work and the josts house ( for church) in there yard =D It should be fun!!! I can't wait to see my friends for the 2 time today! ( seminary ) But some of my friends did not come and I WANT TO KNOW WHY!!!!!!!

Oh and by the way 19 more days tell OBX!

Sep 6, 2010


I just finished this trilogy and it was pretty good. The first book was called


By Charlie Fletcher

I gave it a 6 out of 10. Not the Best book but it was still good and I will reread it. I did not like it because it had some BIG words! Like here is one of them it is "exuberance" ( now I know some big words but I had NO clue what this one was. It means "with excitement" and there are a lot more big words like it in the book) So I would have to say it would be good for older kids like 14ish ( Because they would know so of the words that a 10 year old would not ). The other book are about the same reader level so if you could get through the first one you can get through the rest.


Well not to much happened today. I went to my friend marks house and played over there for a while. That is all ( I know I need to get out more =P)

Oh and by the way 

You are my hero! Save the world from evil walmart workers and STILL have time to make dinner for your kids. Can't wait to see you and the rest of the family in the OBX. I want your autograph!